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99 Woodcutting Guide

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Why should i skill woodcutting?

Woodcutting is one of the Semi-AFK, Basic Skills. So theres not much to explain. You still have to go through it if you want the Max Cape some day. The good thing is you can use the logs to train fletching or firemaking. Basically you do is, Chop.. Chop.. and Chop..



Starting up at home you go eastbound,  where the NPC shops are, which provide all kind of stuff which you need ingame. There you search for the "Skilling Shop" (5th NPC) In the Shop you can buy the hatchet from bronze to rune. I prefer you to buy all of them at once so you dont have to run there again.




These are the lvl requirements for the hatchets:

Iron lvl 1
Mithril lvl 21
Adamant lvl 31
Rune lvl 41


Time to chop!

Regulary you starting off at the north of home. There you can find all the sorts of relevant tree types



B: Bank
1: regular treee (lvl 1)
2: oak tree (lvl 15)
3: willow tree (lvl 30)
4: maple tree (lvl 45)
5: yew tree (lvl 60)
6: magic tree (lvl 75)


Maximize your efficiency during woodcutting (for example best XP and helpful tools)

There are a few way how you can boost the efficiency of woodcutting.



Donator Rank (10$)
Access to the ::dz (Donator Zone)

This place provides magic and yew tree which will never chop down to a stump and a nearby bank.
Furthermore you receive 20% XP boost on everything in this area.



Super Donator Rank (25$)
Access to the ::sdz (Super Donator Zone)

This place provides a regular tree, willow tree, maple tree, yew tree and a magic tree and a nearby bank.
All of them are Infinite like the once in the Donator Zone, means they wont be chopped down to a stump.
Additionally you'll receive 30% XP boost on everything in this area.




Besides rune hatchet there a better tools which can help you to chop faster.

These you can buy at the Skilling points shop, eastern of home.



Note: if you combine the smouldering stone (1) with any of the tools, they become "infernal" which grants you a chance to burn the log you are chopping.

2: The dragon pickaxe requires a wc lvl of 61 to use and its the 2nd best axe ingame
You can buy it from online players, get it as a drop from Dagannoth Kings, or buy it at the skilling points shop for 150k skilling points.

3: The 3rd age axe is the best in slot tool for Woodcutting therefore pretty expensive but its worth it.
You can buy it from online players, get it from hard clues/elite clues if your lucky or buy it from the skilling points shop for 1.5m skilling points.

4: Woodcutting caskets provides you with all sorts of woodcutting based stuff (logs, hatchets etc.).
If your lucky, you can also get Lumberjack pieces out of it. The Lumberjack set gives a small XP bonus whilst Woodcutting.

Lumberjack set:



Abilities & Accomplishment Skillcapes

Arrived at home go westbound and you will find 2 NPC's called The wise old man & Patchy.

Starting off with The wise old man:
Due to the new Skillcape Perks update, the skillcapes now have perks which helps you with the skill
untrimmed woodcutting skillcape:
grants 10% chance to chop 2 at once
trimmed woodcutting skillcape: 10% higher chance for infernal effect
mastery woodcuting skillcape: 25% chance to chop a noted log

Patchy takes care of the Prestige abilities.
You can earn prestige points by prestiging skills (1 point for normal player, 3 points for extreme mode players - per skill)
The one important for us is the...
...resourcful ability: This one gives us the chance to obtain double resources. ability: On this one skilling requirements are lowered by 10 levels




Hope this guide was helpful!


Feel free to pm me for any questions.

IGN: Xl Green