99 Farming Guide

Why should I Skill Farming?
Farming is a really useful Skill, which helps you to get your Potions that you cant buy from “Food & Potion shop” at ::home, such as Super Combat Potions, Anti-venom or Overload. Further it is a cheaper method to get your Prayer Potions, Restore Potions, Saradomins Brews etc..
First of all you click on the “Book” Sign on your interface at the right side on your Launcher and then on “Skilling Teleports -> Farming”
This will Teleport you to the Farming Area:
You can get your Equipment from the Farming & Herb shop: You need 1x Watering Can, 1x Spade, 1x Seed Dibber, Plant cures, Compost and your seeds! (Starting off with Guam Seeds)
After that you are ready to go!
Farming runs!
This is my Farm run Setup:
I run this Setup: because I used to farm for Torstols and bank them.
BUT!: If you only need the XP you can fill your Inventory with Compost and plant cure so the Herbs just dropping to the ground.
So what you do is:
Use the Compost on the Patch
Use the Seed on the Patch
Use the Watering can on the Patch (be careful that there is Water in it, otherwise the plant will not grow.)
Herb seeds Farming LVL Requirements:
Guam LVL 1
Marrentill LVL 10
Tarromin LVL 19
Harralander LVL 26
Ranarr LVL 32
Toadflax LVL 38
Irit LVL 44
Avantoe LVL 50
Kwuarm LVL 56
Snapdragon LVL 62
Cadantine LVL 67
Lantadyme LVL 73
Dwarf Weed LVL 79
Torstol LVL 85
Sometimes it happens that the Herb gets diseased during the growth period. If that happens you have to click on it, while you have a Plant cure in your inventory.
If you wait for too long, the Herb dies and you lose your xp..
Maximize your Efficiency during Farming (for example best XP and helpful tools)
Adding other Skills into your Farming runs:
Since Farming takes time, you can add other Skills into it, such as…
Firemaking: Add a Tinderbox to your Farming Setup and use the empty Spaces in your inventory for the logs.
Same with fletching but only change the tinderbox to a knife.
Skill points shop:
Skill points shop: If you have enough Skillpoints you can buy helpful item from the Skillpoints shop at the eastern side of ::home.
Pet Skiller:
grants 25% bonus xp overall (buy for 1.5m Skillpoints)
Gricoller’s Can:
grants unlimited water (buy for 50k Skillpoints)
bottomless compost bug:
grants unlimited compost (buy for 150k Skillpoints)
Best XP per hour:
If you searching for most xp Dwarf weed seeds it is.
To comparison:
Dwarf weed: per patch 45-49k XP / Growtime 4-5 Minutes per patch
Torstol: per patch 30-40k XP / Growtime 6-8 Minutes per patch
Super Donator:
Using the Super Donator zone (::sdz) allowing you to use a disease-free farming patch
Hope this Guide was helpful!
Feel free to pm for any questions ,
IGN: Green