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Recipe for Disaster quest guide


Quest overview

Name: Recipe for Disaster
Difficulty: Hard
Level requirements:
- 80 cooking 
Level advices:
- 70 base combat stats
Item requirements: None 
Item advices:
- Combat gear appropriate to your combat levels
- A super set/super combat potion, a ranging or magic potion 
Enemies to defeat: 5 bosses from level 75 to level 149, all having 255 hitpoints, without the use of prayer
- 2 Quest Points
- A double damage potion
-An Exp lamp
-Access to the Cook's nightmare area where you can rematch the bosses for some unique drops!
Introduction: The Duke of Lumbridge is hosting a gathering and the Cook is having trouble thinking of a 5 course meal, it even haunts him in his nightmares! Can you help the cook with whats bothering him? Talk to the Cook in the Lumbridge castle kitchen!
Step 1.
Talk to the Cook in the Lumbridge castle's Kitchen. He tells you he is having trouble making up a 5 course meal for the gathering the Duke of Lumbridge is hosting. He tells you it even haunts him in his nightmares. Offer him your assistance. 
Step 2.
Talk again to the cook to teleport away. You will enter his nightmare. When entering the nightmare, you will receive a message regarding boss pet drop eligility. 
Warning! From the next step, you will enter the boss fights. You are able to bank inbetween fights. Prayers are disabled in the cook's nightmare!
Step 3.
You have to fight 5 different bosses in a particular order. Every room has the number written on the floor. Check your minimap to see which room is which number. The first boss you have to encounter is Agrith-Na-Na, a level 146 boss, you can find him in the most Northwestern room. Agrith Na-Na attacks with both melee and magic. You can kill him either by ranging it off a distance, or close range with melee. His max hit is around 25 but be careful, sometimes, he stacks a melee and a mage hit!
Step 4.
After you've killed Agrith-Na-Na you are able to teleport out and go to the bank to refresh on supplies. You can re-enter the nightmare by talking to the cook in the Lumbridge castle kitchen. The next boss is Flambeed, a level 149 boss. You cand find Flambeed in the western room, south of Agrith-Na-Na. Flambeed also attacks with melee and mage, you can use the same strategy for Flambeed as from Agrith-Na-Na. Flambeed tends to hit a little less often, but don't underestimate him!
Step 5.
Visit a bank if you have to, you might wanna grab some tanky gear for this boss. The next boss coming up is Karamel, a level 136 boss, who attacks with melee and range. Karamel can be found in the southwestern room, south of Flambeed. With some decent tank gear, this boss will not be to hard to defeat. 
Step 6.
The fourth boss is Dessourt, a level 121 boss found in the Northwestern room. Karamel also attacks with melee and mage. This boss can hit up to 31. 
Step 7.
The final boss you have to kill is the  Culinaromancer. Despite his relatively low combat level of 75, he should not be underestimated! You can find the Culinaromancer in the southeastern room. He seems to attack faster than the previouses bosses, has a pretty high accuracy and can also sometime stack 2 hits. His max hit is 21, so he can stack you with a 42. 
Step 9.
After you've killed the culinaromancer, talk to the cook in the eastern room, north of the Culinaromancer. Congratulations, quest complete!
Boss rematch explanation
After you've completed the quest, you can rematch the bosses and get a chance to receive their pets! Each boss has a unique pet with a unique ability. To obtain a pet from a certain boss, you have to obtain the previous one first. So for example if you want the Flambeed pet, you have to receive the Agrith-Na-Na pet first, and if you want the Karamel pet, you'd have to receive respectively Agrith-Na-Na's pet and Flambeed's pet first. The right order and rewards are:
Pet Agrith-Na-Na gives the owner a 10% ranged accuracy boost
Pet Flambeed gives the owner a 10% defensive boost
Pet Karamel gives the owner a 10% magic accuracy boost
Pet Dessourt gives the owner a 10% melee accuracy boost
Pet Culinaromancer combines the effects of all previous stated pets
The bosses also give you a chance to receive the RFD gloves starting from mithril, leading up to barrows!