Perks Table
Below are all the cape perks listed per tier, these also work backwards (for example, a Trimmed cape also has the Untrimmed perk etc.)
- All Max capes have every untrimmed ability.
- Prestiger cape (Prestige 1, Level 99 in all skills) has every untrimmed and trimmed ability.
- Prestige Master cape (Prestige 10 in all skills) has every single ability.
Skill | Untrimmed | Trimmed | Mastery |
Attack |
No Warriors Guild token cost |
2.5% Melee accuracy boost (in PVM) | 10% Melee accuracy boost (in PVM) |
Strength | 2.5% Melee XP boost | 2.5% Melee damage boost (in PVM) | 10% Melee damage boost (in PVM) |
Defence | Ring of life effect | 2.5% Defence boost (in PVM) | 10% Defence boost (in PVM) |
Hitpoints | 2x Hitpoints restore rate | 3x Hitpoints restore rate | All food can over heal like anglerfish |
Ranged | Ava's Accumulator effect | Lower chance your ammo is lost | 10% higher chance for Bolt specials |
Magic | Spellbook swap ability | 10% chance no rune cost (cmb spells) | 10% accuracy + 2% damage boost |
Prayer | +1 prayer restore for potions | +2 prayer points restore for potions | 50% slower prayer drain rate |
Agility | 20% extra Marks of Grace | Auto picks up Marks of Grace | Double Agility course tickets |
Cooking | Never burn any food | All food heals 1 hp extra | All food heals 2 hp extra |
Crafting | 10% chance to craft 2 at once | Crafted jewelry is auto enchanted | Tan noted hides |
Farming | 10% increased harvest | 20% increased harvest | Free Ultracompost and no tools req |
Firemaking | 5% chance to burn 2 at once | 10% chance to burn 2 at once | Able to burn bows and bows (u) |
Fishing | 10% chance to catch 2 at once | 10% higher chance for infernal effect | 25% chance to catch a noted fish |
Fletching | 10% chance to fletch 2 at once | 10% chance fletched bows are strung | 10% chance to cut 2x bolt tips per gem |
Herblore | 10% chance to make 2 at once | Decantor makes unf pots for free | 10% chance pot dose not consumed |
Hunter | Never break jars while opening | Never fail catching implings | 10% chance double impling jar loot |
Mining | 10% chance to mine 2 at once | Rocks are infinite +10% infernal effect | 25% chance to mine noted ores |
Runecrafting | 5% chance double runes / ess | 10% chance for double runes / ess | Unlimited elemental runes |
Slayer | 10% higher superior chance | 10% chance Task pick out of 4 | 50% chance Task pick out of 4 |
Smithing | 10% chance to smith 2 at once | Double cannonballs per bar | No more coal required for smelting |
Thieving | 20% more pickpocket success | 20% chance to note thieving stall loot | Double loot from pickpockets |
Woodcutting | 10% chance to chop 2 at once | Trees are infinite +10% infernal effect | 25% chance to chop a noted log |